Episode 159

Published on:

30th Nov 2023

The Toxic or "A**hole" Boss Epidemic: Reversing the Damage and Fostering a Culture of Growth

When Robert Sutton wrote the book, The No "A**hole" Rule, he received over 8,000 emails from people who were or are managed by a toxic boss. Research shows about 65% of bosses are toxic.

  • How can anyone be successful if you work for a toxic boss?
  • Does the toxic boss know they are an "A**hole"?
  • Why do executives and HR tolerate the horrendous impact of toxic bosses on employees, productivity, and the bottom line?
  • Do organizations breed toxic bosses?

In this episode, we'll delve into the detrimental impact of toxic bosses on their employees and the organization as a whole. We'll explore six distinct types of toxic bosses, their prevalence, and the harmful effects they exert on their teams.

My guess Rob Kalwarowski, says he knows why and what you can do about it. How does he know? Rob was at the top of his game as an MIT graduate Mechanical Engineer, and then he had to work with a toxic boss. What he learned and how he learned to heal and help others heal is something to hear.

Listen as we

  • Define 6 types of toxic bosses.
  • Why Executives and Organizations tolerate bad bosses and may be breeding them.
  • 3 things you can do if you work for a toxic boss.

You can learn more about Rob Kalwarowski at https://www.howtodealboss.com/. Get $50.00 off if you use the code REMARKABLE on his program How to Deal With A**hole Bosses by going to his website. Connect with Rob on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-kalwarowsky/.

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About the Podcast

Remarkable Leadership Lessons
Listen today to learn how you can lead high-preforming, inclusive teams.
On the Remarkable Leadership Lessons Podcast, we believe that acknowledging that you don’t know what to do differently is a sign of strength not weakness. Our guests will give you the tools to ask for that much-needed raise, to prepare yourself for life in the C-Suite, and to develop a growth mindset that leads you and your team to the desired results. We help you make work, career and leadership work for you.

Host Denise Cooper helps listeners assemble the building blocks of emotional intelligence: accountability, compassion, the willingness to admit wrongdoing, and the determination to follow through. Problems do not end with strategy. They end with thoughtfully developed solutions consistently put into practice.
Make your actions intentional, your behaviors mindful, and your decisions deliberate. And no matter what, own up to all of them.

About your host

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Denise Cooper